Universal Energies – The First Exam

Illustration of The Buddha mediting while demons are pointing weapons at him

This post is a continuation of ‘Universal Energies – The 60th-Day Test’. Read the entire Energy Work: Universal Energies series here.

Three months had passed since I enrolled in Universal Energies Level 1. I was about to become an independent energy practitioner. But first, I would have to go through the final challenge, the 100th-Day Exam. This assessment would test my knowledge, skill and our determination.

I was ready. It was time to fly.

I walked into the meditation centre that evening. Adrian was much more serious today, warding off wisecracks with a stern expression. Ling was already seated when I entered the space.

Adrian lit a piece of sage and proceeded to douse us in sage smoke (‘smudging’ was a common ritual in our practice). We then sat back down for the briefing.

“All right. Tonight is your 100th-Day Exam. From now, you will have 10 minutes to meditate. Bring in as much energies and put up the strongest shield you can. We will then head out to the location of your exam.”

We did as ordered. I downloaded the energies, making sure to open my channels wide so I could get a good amount of it.

We then grabbed some foldable chairs by the door and followed Adrian and his partner, David, out of the centre. We made our way to the next building.

We stopped right at the centre of a rooftop.

“Okay, guys. Open up your chairs here. This is where we’re gonna have the exam.”

Adrian explained the exam to us. He would start by opening up an interdimensional portal (wut?), spiritual entities – or ‘demons’, as some would call it – would then come through it. He would then instruct them to surround us, shake us up and penetrate our energetic shields. And our task… was to resist (wut?!). We were to individually resist every attack on our auras for the next few minutes.

I had dreaded this moment. For some reason, the thought of being surrounded by entities scared me. I was ready. But still, I was terrified.

We entered our meditative states. I brought in energies to reinforce my shield. Once done, I placed both my hands, palms up, on my lap to indicate that I was ready.

Two minutes in, the summoning began.

I felt a brush around my left shoulder. Then another brush on my neck. The sensations slowly grew into creeping motion around this area. It felt like a layer of my aura, just inches above my skin was being touched. My thoughts started to race. “What’s happening? Are they getting into my skin? Do they have evil intentions?” I thought as I sat very still on that rooftop, focusing so much on my meditation.

I activated my third eye to get a look at what was happening. All I could picture were thoughts of a green, slimy worm-like creature. It was not clear, but I could gather was it sure was ugly..

The sensations grew, moving to my belly and down to my hip. It felt extremely weird. My heart started pounding. I could not even think. I begged for help from God (little did I know until later, my request got answered ^_^).

I felt a slight relief around my shoulder. Then around my belly. But then a second crawling sensation rose around my forehead and head. But there were still crawling sensations going down my back. These persisted, and just like before during the previous tests, I started feeling weak and lightheaded. I focused on strengthening my shield. I felt heavy. Tired. They kept coming. And I kept resisting.

I could feel about 5 of them in total. Crawling, biting and even disturbing my thoughts!

After what felt like 5 minutes of this, the sensations started fading, until eventually everything subsided.

“Okay! You may open your eyes”

I breathed a sigh of relief, shook myself off and slumped back onto my foldable chair. Ling and I then got up, packed our things and made our way back to the centre.

At the door, Adrian ‘smudged’ us with sage again to cleanse our auras. We then waited inside for the debrief.

He started off by asking us to recall what we had felt, saw, heard, smelled and tasted using our third eye abilities.

At the time, I recall that feeling was my strongest ability. I could feel sensations clearly through my energetic field. So I described best my what I could feel, along with some of the visions of vague green figures I perceived. Ling, on the other hand, much more refined in his descriptions, sharing his visual and physical perception of the encounter in much more detail. And I was right, man were these entities ugly!

Adrian ended off by describing the portal that he opened, and his exact instructions to our ‘visitors’. He also noted a protective presence around my aura that helped to fend off the entities around me. I remembered my request (begging) for protection during the exam. I asked Adrian if that could have been a reason.

“That’s cheating!”, he exclaimed. ” You’re not supposed to get your spirit guides to help! That’s part of the test!”

Oops! I didn’t know that. I shrugged, gesturing a sign of obliviousness. “I didn’t know, sorry.” Either way, I was extremely thankful for the protection.

And regardless of cheating or not, we had both passed, though I was warned not to cheat again (I’d eventually get plenty of practice and gain much more confidence in fending off entities on my own).

I went home feeling proud and accomplished that day. We finally passed Level 1! We were energy work practitioners capable of self-healing, protection and psychic abilities!

I was finally done with Level 1. I basked in my glory. Though at the back of my mind, I was thinking about UE Level 2; the next step in my Energy Work journey. Level 2 was starting in 2 weeks, and I had some time to rest and recuperate my strength.

Side note: I thought about that first entity encounter I had in my friend’s studio recording session. Was my fear from that event still influencing my behaviour towards entities? Or was it a fear of the unknown? Again, I would eventually find out the answer. It wasn’t a simple one either.

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