Universal Energies – The 60th Day Test

Oshino, Japan historic thatch houses with Mt. Fuji in the background.

This post is a continuation of ‘Universal Energies – The 30th Day Test’. Read the entire Energy Work: Universal Energies series here.

It had been two months since the UE attunement and the start of my energy work journey. My energetic abilities were improving. It was time for the second assessment, and I had no clue what to expect.

Ling and I settled into our seats at the meditation centre that afternoon. Adrian briefed us on our expected tasks. We sat and listened as he described the first task. And this was where it got interesting.

Our First Task: As we had been attending lessons for a while, we discovered Adrian had some fascinating abilities. And this time was no different. In this task, he would set up a visual scene for us to observe using our third eye abilities.

He put on a serene instrumental track filled with flutes and Chinese instruments while we prepared for meditation. As we downloaded energies, we started to activate our third eyes to observe the scene.

From what I recall, the music influenced our visualizations, giving a very rustic ‘village-y’ feel to this visual. I was in a total of three scenes. 1) I was a man in tattered clothes beside an orangy gravel roadside, watching a carriage ride past; 2) I was a man in a yellow t shirt who decided to lay in a bale of hay in a barn to rest. I couldn’t recall the last one.

As we came to, we were asked to describe our visualizations. Ling went first. Apparently, he was in a village as well! He went on to describe his visuals, which made me nervous as he seemed so detailed with his description. I went after him, describing my roadside experience and the bale of hay.

Adrian apparently actually set the scene in a big village. Ling was inside it and I was on its outskirts. Regardless, we both passed this one.

Second Task: This was just as interesting. Adrian held one hand in front of us. He would energetically conjure up specific sets of colours, shapes and figures in his hand, and we were to use our third eyes to identify them. The first was a colour, which we both guessed purple (correct!). Next, a shape, which I barely guessed right; A pyramid. Lastly, an object. This, I did not get, but Ling managed to. A bird of some sort I think. Regardless, 2 out of 3.

Third Task: Another shield test (!). This time more intense than the last one (!!). I came prepared this time. A 24-hour water fast prior (to boost the abilities), and no unnecessary heavy food to weigh me down.

I was prepared for what was to come. I closed my eyes and entered meditative state. I gathered as much energy as I could and made my shield as strong as I could possibly muster. I visualized concrete and iron while summoning my shield.

Time to start. Adrian launched his ‘attack’. I started to feel the same intense pressure on my head and my heart (the centre of the shield ‘generator’). This time, it almost felt physical. As though my resolve was being challenged. I felt what seemed like the shield being compromised, which worried me, but I would later find out that this was just ‘bending’.

Gradually, my head started feeling really heavy and my back unbearably weak. I felt groggy and fell into a slump. Sensations of ‘crawling’ filled my sacral chakra area (lower belly), at which point I felt disconcerted (understatement. I was scared shitless!). I also felt an energetic mass obstructing my belly. Another minute of disconcertment (‘groggy and scared shitless’-ness) passed, and finally, the test was over.

I went to wash up while the fear slowly subsided and the energetic weirdness sorted itself out.

The debrief was short. The tabulation was done and it was time for results. Our shields were apparently both pretty strong! And it seemed the ‘masses’ I felt were just a manifestation of my fears (damn!). We had both passed.

“Yay! We’re strong!”, I remember thinking to myself. Pride filled my head (or hot air, I dunno) and I decided to celebrate. I cant remember exactly how, but I was happy. I left feeling empowered by the session and decided to really step up my game to prepare for my next big challenge, the 100th-Day exam.

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